Larry Ferlazzo is someone you want to follow if you teach US history (or ESOL students). Here is the blog he uses for his US history students which has his entire curriculum. A few years ago he and I corresponded as he tried out his online only curriculum which he used for ESOL students. In fact he was an inspiration for me to do the same this past year. Also, here is his US history webpage which has an unbelievable number of links in easy to follow categories. For those who think e-tools are for the young, Ferlazzo is a second career type who has been teaching about nine years (by the way, for that matter, Frank, myself and George are all over 40 and only our soon to be new blogger Scott is under the magic age of 30).
I enjoy your blog and the stories you post on them. I think my class will be able to connect more with the stories than just reding facts about the time period we are learning about.