Monday, June 27, 2011


This afternoon I spent several hours at the Google station at the ISTE conference.  Part of that time was spent working with one the people whose job it is to improve Chromebooks for educators.  He showed me Jaycut which is basically a movie maker online that is free.  Students can put their own videos on it, pictures, audio, image and slides.  You can also create a narrative of your own film. I also noticed that also has a segment on making videos using Jaycut which is on page 24 - 31

1 comment:

Nichols said...

I tried to use Jaycut this year with my 5th grade students but it took so long to edit our videos. I don't know if it was our school network or the site. I saw the potential of the program but I did not have the patience to make it work for me. So good luck. Please let me know how it works for you.